Master Class: A blueprint for regulation

A Master Class to discuss the (im)possiblity of regulating drugs provided by Steve Rolles (Transform, UK)

This Master Class is organised by Transform Drug Policy Foundation (UK) in collaboration with Poppi: Drugs Museum Amsterdam and Mainline. It explores the (im)possibilities and practicalities of regulating drugs. The Master Class takes the debate about drug regulation beyond cannabis – exploring the key principles underpining effective regulation of drgs more broadly – before focusing in on a case study of regulating MDMA.

The audience is not expected to agree to everything that will be said. However, they are expected to come with an open mind to new thinking on difficult questions. The Reason: we want to take the conversation to a next level, not revisit tired debates. We are starting on the assumption that the question is HOW not IF we should regulate drugs. Looking at Transform’s publication ‘After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation‘ (or the executive summary) – in advance will be a very useful foundation.

The Master Class is in English, but targets a Dutch audience of (future) policy and decision makers, politicians and activists of all sides of the political spectrum. Ground rule: all are welcome, as long as they listen to each other.

Your professor of the day is Steve Rolles, senior policy analyst at Transform Drugs Policy Foundation, and author of ‘Blueprint for Regulation’. He will guide you through the latest insights in this two-hour class.

Order your ticket now!

This afternoon takes place against the backdrop of the temporary expo Dutch Drugs Stories, organised by Poppi: Drugs Museum Amsterdam. More information about Dutch Drugs Stories can be found here. Check out the most current evening programme for more theme-nights at


17 juli 2020

Het Vrijpaleis - Paleisstraat 107, 1012 ZL Amsterdam