Frequently asked questions

What is the visiting address of the ecstasy shop (pop-up)?

Poppi’s Ecstasy Shop can be found at:

Vinkenburgerstraat 1-3
3512 AA Utrecht

What are the directions to get to the ecstasy store?

Coming from Utrecht Central station:

It is an 8-minute walk from Utrecht Central Station to Vinkenburgstraat 1-3. You walk from Utrecht Central to Vredenburg. From there you walk into the Drieharingstraat. At the end of Drieharingstraat, turn right onto Oudegracht. Then you take the first bridge – the Bakkersbrug – to the left and you will automatically reach the Vinkenburgstraat.

From the Neude:

The Vinkenburgstraat is a side street of the Neude. From the Neude you can walk to our ecstasy store within 2 minutes.

What are the opening hours of the Ecstasy store?

The ecstasy shop is open daily:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 13:00 and 18:00
Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 13:00 and 21:00

What does a ticket cost?

A ticket costs 10 euros.

Students receive a 20% discount. Our staff will ask to present proof that you are a student: a student registration, study pass or student OV will work.

Where do I buy a ticket?

You can buy a ticket on location at Vinkenburgstraat 1-3.

You can also buy your ticket in advance via our website. Online ticket sales run through an external partner (Global Tickets). When you buy your ticket in online and in advance you have guaranteed access on your prefered timeslot.

I have a ticket, but the day or time no longer suits me, can I come at another time?

Yes, that’s possible. You can rebook your card to another day and time.

I have lost my ticket (lost or stolen), can I get my money back?

Unfortunately, you cannot get a refund if you have lost your ticket.

Are there occasions where I can get a refund?

Yes, in case of special personal circumstances you can get a refund. You can submit your request via the Global Ticket service page (details are on your digital ticket).

Do you accept ‘museumjaarkaart’?

No, we unfortunately do not accept Museumjaarkaart as of yet. We do offer a student discount. 

What ages is the ecstasy store suitable for?

The ecstasy shop is safe for anyone over the age of 16 to visit. Younger people are very welcome when accompanied by an adult.

Is the location accessible for disabled people?

Unfortunately, our location is not fully wheelchair accessible. The store has two floors: one on the ground floor and one on the ground floor. Unfortunately, the ground floor can only be reached via a fairly narrow staircase.

Would you like to visit and are you in a wheelchair? Mail us at and we will gladly think along about possibilities and/or a discount.

Are there catering facilities in the ecstasy store?

No, we do not have a catering license and therefore do not sell food and drinks on location. However, our store is located in the center of Utrecht, where there are plenty of restaurants and bars.

Can I go to the toilet in the ecstasy store?

In principle, the toilet is only intended for our staff. We are happy to make an exception in case of emergency.

Can my pet come in?

No that is not allowed.

Do you sell real ecstasy in the store?

No. The Ecstasy Shop is an art project. We do not sell substances in the shop that are currently subject to the Opium Act.

Are you taking measures to combat COVID-19?

Poppi closely follows the rules and developments surrounding COVID-19. There are currently no restrictions that apply to our store. Handgel with alcohol and face masks are available on request on location.

We also keep the store clean, including the touch screens. On the ground floor it is possible to keep enough distance. The bottom floor is a bit more narrow, but we keep a maximum number of visitors.

Do you have concerns about COVID-19? Please email us to inquire about the quietest visiting hours.

Where can I find more information about Poppi?

On our website you can find more information about Poppi, how we are building our drug museum and why. You will find information about our social mission and how you can support our social enterprise.